smith, jonas max faris, john layfield along with naomi canseco and ashley pratt. it seems like the threats are going. how worried should we be for our safety and our economy? >> extremely, brenda. i think, you know, it's not too much of an exaggeration. we're fighting right now the next world war. and here's the reason. we are now an interconnected society. terrorists have so much easier way to strike. they can recruit easier. they can hack into government sites like we've seen. they can -- they have knowledge about where our military bases are, how to build bombs and things like that. if the terrorists made a concentrated effort cyber-wise to attack the united states the devastation, brenda, to the economy could be just like we had -- we saw in europe to their economies during world war ii. horrible. >> it doesn't look like we'll have a marshall plan available for us. ashley how worried are you about this for our safety and for our economy? you lived in boston. you understood what happened when a homegrown terrorist perpetrated that terrible act. >> yep. yeah bre