i used to follow somebody named naomi davis. i don't know if anybody remembers her. so had a blog called love taza. she lived in the upper west side of new york. all of photos were bright, vibrant colors, and she really performed a fun type of motherhood, a joyful type of motherhood that i at the time was failing to find within. and do think many of us glom on to mom for answers who we perceive to be succeeding in ways that we perceive ourselves to be failing. and again, i think that's a symptom of the cultural pressures we put on mothers. yeah. as long as there's any notion of an ideal way to be as a mother, think my influencers in the mom cleanser industry and just marketing towards mothers in general will. yeah. there's this weird thing that is about sort of like masochism. like moms searching out content that will make them feel bad about themselves. yeah like, what's that about? yeah. i mean, you could call it masochism. i think also, though, it comes from a sense of hope. like you know, i know for myself, i was consuming that kind of looking a way to embody mot