naomi judd? - tell us the freaking story! - yeah, tell us the story. - okay. he took me to the replica of monet's japanese bridge. and then he put this flower behind my ear, which normally i would hate, 'cause it's so civil rightsy. then he got down on one knee and he said, "will you be a senator's wife?" - oh! he talked about himself in the third person? - yes, pam. not everyone is as informal as you and jim. [imitating jim] "oh, hey, pam, dude, whatever. wanna marry me?" [laughter] - that's not accurate. - then i saw flashes. reporters were there. they always find us. and everyone was crying. even his aide. - angela's engaged to a gay man. as a gay man, i'm horrified. as a friend of angela's, horrified. as a lover of elegant weddings, i'm a little excited. but overall, horrified. - andy? you alset? - okay, guys. it's time. it's pep talk time. tell me what i need to hear. - are you sure this is a good idea? i hate to see you disappointed. - [grunts] - i think andy should be the boss. he's just so great. if i'm being objective, then darryl, of course. - so and