but naomi klein would have you believe that after crisis edd regulation and free markets. and obviously we didn't see any of that coming after 9/11. government take advantage of crises to amass more money and more power. there is a very smart liberal writer named jonathan chait who writes for the new republic, and he wrote a devastating critique of her kopecky said it was not a very sharp book. one of the things he said was precisely what i am saying that she says it's the right that takes advantage of crises, but in fact it's often been the left that takes its advantage to and here's what he wrote. liberals could not have enacted the new deal without the great depression. communist revolutions have generally come about in the wake of wars. the liberal economist victor fusion once wrote that national health insurance will probably come to the united states in the wake of a major change in the political climate, the kind of changehat often accompanies a war, a depression, or large-scale civil unrest. unquote. so i wouldn't have the nerve to stand here and compare communist