and the campaign strategist, and "wall street journal" senior economic writer, steven moore, and naomi wolf among our guests. may have accidently or intentionality further confounded the search for truth with the initial claims of responsibility last night for benghazi, but the claims shifted like the story itself of the administration's role in the benghazi tragedy. to assess whether this is a massive coverup as some claim or the failings of well-intentioned government officials as secretary clinton put it, fog of war, and how all of this will play in tonight's presidential debate, author of the new york times best seller, "the amateur," and fox news political analyst, joe trippy, who is at hofstra university at the site of the important debate. let me first, joe, go to you, and as the sense there, for the debate, the stakes are high for the president. is there any special element in the atmosphere there? your thoughts? >> no, there's a lot of anticipation here. ewe can feel it. a lot more, i think, energy and excitement than even the first debate. i mean, i think again a rematch or, you k