. >> reporter: naomi wooten has only been down the aisle once before. 28 when she married a aude. >> he was in the panama canal, and he wrote me a letter and asked me would i marry him. he sent me a diamond ring in the mail. >> reporter: he sent you a ring ilrough the mail? >> yes, he did. m reporter: their marriage lasted 64 years. >> i loved that man. >> reporter: after claude died, naomi never dreamed she'd ever walk down the aisle again, but out of nowhere came a proposal. >> one day she was thinking about getting married, and she come up to me and she said, naomi, i want you to be the matron of honor. >> reporter: naomi had met 23- year-old bethany shaw at church. her father is the pastor. naomi says she and bethany had become best of friends. she's even know the fiancÉe since he was a boy. but despite all of that, naomi said, "no." >> oh, no, i'm not going to be matron of honor. i'm too old. >> reporter: but after a while she came around. so pink is the color? >> rose. >> reporter: naomi even invited guests of her own who didn't know the bride or