strongly encourage, if that train has left the station, in her statement saying people should be paid -- naoubl as this committee is going forward, i just want to make sure if it does go forward, i want to make sure there are users involved as well as community organizations and labor involved with na because i don't want the [inaudible] in charge of the hen house at all. thank you. >> thank you very much. is there any other member of the public who would like to speak who has not spoken whether you signed up or not, if so, come forward. seeing none, public comment is closed. and i just want to take this opportunity to thank all of the members of the public who have taken time out of their busy schedules to be here today, and i know that, you know, it was a long hearing, but i think that the fact that people were willing to sit through this hearing and speak tells you how strongly people feel about this, colleague, i want to give you an opportunity to say anything at this point. anyone want to -- supervisor mar? >> i'll just say that i was not looking forward to another long hearing since we st