mayors sent a letter to secretary of paul lozano expressing their distress with this -- secretary napalitano expressing their distress with this. we are really hoping that the attention that we have given this is going to help us in 2013 and that we will not be hit again and hopefully our allocations will go back out. i wanted to update you on the system, the interoperable communications system. i talked about it before motorola got the funding. 1 of 7 areas in the country to receive this finding to start to build out this system. we have put together a regional joint powers agreement which the chief and myself sit on 4 san francisco. lots of good things happening. congress in february, you have probably heard this come up last new lead -- probably heard about this, passed new legislation. there will be a larger area of legislation. the problem is that it is transferring responsibility from the fcc over to and cia for developing this program. -- over to ntia for developing this program. the new board that congress establish will be set up in august and we are not sure yet exactly what will h