when you read about napolitan, it's not too far off about what people would say about hitler. they have a hard go of it. certainly they've prevailed on the high seas, but when the war begins, napolitan is at the crest of his power launching his invasion of russia and french forces are still predominant in spain where wellington's army is heavily engaged, so the goal number one of the war is let's end this as quickly as we can, but see if the americans will listen to reason. let's see if we can negotiate a quick exit and avoid sending anymore than the minimum number of reenforcements than we need to go to canada. that's the predominant perspective. the minority opinion is the americans, how dare they attack us when we were down. this shows us you cannot trust these people with the republican form of government. boy, wouldn't we love to blow them apart? wouldn't it be great if we could really encourage the new englanders to separate? wouldn't it be great to encourage the slaves to run away? wouldn't it be wonderful to get indian peoples to reclaim lands south as far as the ohio?