narcan. narcan reverses an overdose by blocking an opioid's ability to attach to brain cells.n resume within minutes. >> we gave him narcan and it was -- >> reporter: he has used the nasal spray to reverse overdoses eight times. quincy is the first police department to require every officer to carry the drug. the human aspect is like, this is a life. >> reporter: in the past 2 1/2 years, quincy police have used narcan 179 times and reversed 170over doses. >> they're somebody's daughter, a son, a father, a brother, a mother. that's what quincy looks at. >> when nancy hollerson's son brandon overdosed last october, the police used narcan to revive him. >> people think this is a homeless junky in the street. these are our children. we have a serious epidemic in this country that started with prescription drugs. rsh brilg . >> reporter: brendan's addiction began when he started sneaking his father's pain pills. that was the gateway. >> it's a constant worry. when the phone rings, it's, oh, my gosh, did something happen. >> reporter: patrick glen oversees quincy's program. >> it's