. >> yeah, so a lot of these songs are called narco coridos, they're commissioned by cartel bosses.they'll approach someone who became famous as a singer in mexico and pay them to write a song and come to a cartel party. the scene in the book, they come to the party and lionize the person, the boss. and in mexico, laredo on the border, have a narco corido written about you. >> something to look forward to. >> that you've made it and interestingly from a criminal perspective, i guess the narco bands are also a way to launder money, they help in the money laundering process. there are many ways you can use music and art to further your crimin criminal career. music and art are very powerful. reading this book. another thing that's great about this book is i felt-- i guess i read it probably first three months ago when i got-- four months ago when i got a gaga galli and i read it again, and read it again, and this is even more relevant and current and of the moment in the four months that i read it because this is a book that cuts against both sets of pieties that you hear in politics