her name was nargis.y had fallen in love after had given her a ride in his had given her a ride in his taxi, and they were blissfully happy until she was found dead in a field, stabbed, shot, beaten and strangled. their children were killed first, and there's a simple dignity now in doing up their buttons. the buttons of a four-year-old boy and a baby girl who were thrown from the roof of a building while their mother was forced to watch. the last time he saw his children was when he took them to the shops for a packet of crisps. then, his wife received a phone call. it was urgent. her mother was sick and dying. she had to rush to the bedside. it was a lie. nargis' family disapproved of her marriage to a mere driver, and they were luring her into a trap. when nargis didn't come home, her husband went back to driving a minibus to distract himself from the worry. his passengers saw photographs of his murdered family in the newspapers as he was driving. he didn't have a clue that the family they were telling