japanese immigration officials took him into custody at narita airport in 2001. they said he tried to enter japan with his family using forged passports. they said he told authorities he wanted to visit tokyo disneyland. he apparently did not attend his father's funeral in 2011. observers say he didn't want to interfere with the process of establishing a new regime. kim had not recently talked to foreign reporters, but there had been sightings of him in southeast asia. the chinese government says 192 people across the country were infected with bird flu in january, and 79 of them died because of the disease. china's public health authorities say the deadly h7n9 strain of the virus continues to spread, especially on poultry farms. the government began taking preventive measures in december, including closing some live poultry markets. the world health organization is warning people not to visit poultry farms or live bird markets where bird flu cases have been reported. a japanese researcher says the virus has not mutated since the first case of bird-to-human case