the narragansett docks, not knowing that that that work would live past his lifetime.nd that's what, you know, it felt very satisfying to say this is a fiction. yeah. i mean, it feels like very obvious maybe in some ways tuna swim all around the ocean. but there's this tuna that goes viral occasionally on twitter. terry the tuna? yeah. who? oh, you probably know that. know terry stotts better than i do. i do not know terry stotts better than you do. well, terry, just gone everywhere. and like terry has been tagged and they're like, look at terry going back and forth and back forth and back and forth, like across the whole atlantic. and it just blows people's minds just i mean, obviously, yeah, the ocean is a big place, but the fact that like a single tuna can go so far and clearly like has, has purpose. yeah. and this is and this is it is. and i feel like this is where our work overlaps is, like the human hubris of being like. we can only understand and protect what. we know and we can and but that limits. there are so many things that are so unknowable, right? yeah it