they began with sherwood's a count of the drive up to narrowsburg.tors paul asked him to start stop at a walmart. >> when you got into the middle town area you said you stopped where? >> at a walmart. >> and he went inside? >> he went inside. >> you waited outside? >> waited outside. >> and then he came out with a bag? >> yes. >> do you know what he bought? >> i believe duct tape. >> prosecutors assured jurors what investigators found when they visited that will mark. >> the state police found a receipt. only one receipt out of 30 registers that had three things on it. and update, a hat and gloves. scott sherwood tells us that the defendant used tape to tape up his scrubs. and he had a glass hat and gloves on when he went in the house. >> and there was more physical evidence to back natalie up sherwood's account. he told police he and paul crossed the george washington bridge on the way back to paul's place and warning of the murder. >> was there a toll you guys went through? >> i would assume so. >> we went through i guess, it was the lower level. b