to join this nascient company, brazil.this company in what will your message be, as you look back to989? jason: i am a very humble person, so i hope i will be able to craft a message that people think is interesting. but it is true. i chose a different culture before anything else. it is true, the offer i had from georgia to come back to brazil at the time was 20% of the highest offer i had in terms of the highest offer i had. less? so, 80% carlos: 80%, but what i saw there in two weeks, i had the opportunity to get to know them. 1987.e to stanford in i said, i want to be part of this group, and if i have to have an 80% cut, i will do that. different fromng the other companies i have worked with before. it is fast, young people, ideas. it is about no shortcuts. at the end of the day, it's a business to last. that's what was so exciting. how do you keep that fiber and see at a company where, as you say, you have 200,000 clients? how do you keep that going? carlos: i always say that the best-kept secret is our website. we give people a bigger thing then they think they can handle, a bi