another important opportunity that we're pursuing is to incorporate into the nasf, the seisometers that are employed across the united states. giant earthquakes like the one that struck alaska 508 years ago produced -- 50 years ago produced grou produced major damage. so modern earthquake and tsunami planning scenarios give emergency responders and community planners much needed improved visions of what can be expected in a future disaster, such scenarios are being played out today in the alaska shield disaster response exercise. but rapid earthquake loss assessments are still unacceptably uncertain because of sparse network coverage in many areas. also a limited inventory of the built-in environment. and how buildings and infrastructure respond to send -- extended strong ground shaking. if you are keeping time, anchorage has just stopped shaking. i will conclude by saying i appreciate the opportunity to discuss the vital research that the u.s. g.s and our partners are doing. it has made the nation and world safer and more resilient offering quakes and i'll be happy to take any question