little village, where are you, little nashadze, i can smell this little village, where are you, little nashad our little girl, you came for the day of music my elder friend, and also my co-author already, evgeniy sanovich glebov, of course, we the three of us retired to our room, with my wife, and talked, and glebov very persistently, he was already teaching at the conservatory, very persistently suggested that grishman enroll in his course, in the composition department. grishman nodded, nodded, nodded, but of course , he made no attempt to even enter the conservatory, at least out of respect for glebov, because at... the conservatory they would not have taught him what he already had, this is natural some kind of flair, a sense of an orchestra, he thought in an orchestra, in april 1968 year, in the second pavilion of the belarus film studio, the film i... many, many years have passed, so i somehow invited my wife, wife, now a widow, and their grown-up daughter, sveta, to join us on makaenka on the fifteenth floor in the cinema hall, i showed them this video of zhenya conducting, for the fir