that for zoning it should be as large as possible, dissolve into the room, but from her side, from nastinah, we come to, and two rims, rims, if we want it to be light, then we need to make them in the color of the timber, here it’s made of cotton, nothing suits us, printed, yes, i came across such a chic, incredibly beautiful fabric, it’s beautiful, like the most amazing plague, here it is, well, that’s it, then here’s nastya, we sorted it out, now there is a curtain that covers the open one. so it should just be light, i liked it, it looks very beautiful in curtains, it’s really beautiful, these two are perfect, yeah, i think everything is fine, yes, to the boys, i liked this story so much, and i like that they are different in tone , that is, for someone i want something different for everyone, yes, of course, they are individuals, so there are four of them, but here it’s just really. very interesting, very interesting, what will happen, how it will turn out, well , that’s it then, thank you very much, a triumph of unification just happened here, because pasha, who made us a story tree a