. >> hello, my name is natalee, and i wanted to say a few things. i am pro environment, pro dog, and permit human -- and pro- human. i cannot stress at combating dog behavioral issues that only off leash play can give. by adopting a policy, it is inevitable that the congestion will lead to a situation with all dogs. we're putting so much money, time, and effort into a proposal but seems to be based on a lack of scientific evidence. this proposal takes no account of the human impact in the area, like running, people's garbage, cigarette butts, the impact of other animals, and even just the threat to other small animals or the erosion of soil. all responsible dog owners and doc professionals are in favor of allowing this and collecting revenues and fees. we need to have a balanced and fair proposal for santa is the city parks as well f.m. -- as well best -- asd -- as the ggrna. banks. t -- hanks. >> my name is -- and i live just off of the embarcadero, and i will introduce my dog franklin, a service dog nipper -- who is with me. i did like to give my