and i think what natalee said is important. to make sure that -- every day in terms of access to some of the jobs that will be create in the this process so we can elevate them and their families as well. >> there will be some places increasingly where he it does not make sense to reloit date or rebuild as we become more exposed to those risks. >> new york city may be able to blend those strategies including some green infrastructure solutions. but there are other places that don't have those economic resources, there are other place where is physically even if you were able to build a seawall, so increasingly, i think its inevitable that we're going to hear about retreat more and more as part of this discussion. >> we can cope with another foot, we can cope for another maybe six inches on top of that, three feet, four feet, you get to a point where you can't cope. we need to reverse course now, we need to cap and limit the amount of carbons we put into the atmosphere. thank you so much. >>> coming up, governor chris christie h