natalia kwiatkowska planning department staff. i'm going to share my screen so just let me know once you see it. >> we can see it. thank you. >> okay. i am here today to talk to you all about our program and as you're listening to this presentation all of the photos conclude on the on the adu so i hope you enjoy. we will start with a little bit of background of the the majority of this presentation will focus on definitions and programs and then basically go over resources and our process. starting with background adus became the topic back in 2014 for many reasons why this started. some of these that we saw many illegal units in the city and because of the housing crisis we wanted to provide an opportunity to legalize these units and to build more housing. at the time the department of building inspection [inaudible] was commencing so this was a great opportunity for property owners that were already doing construction to at the same time add additional dwelling units. then adus found to be easy to construct so when does this hap