believes that poverty natalia zubarevic believes that poverty natalia zubarevic believes that poverty is the cause a person primarily is the cause a person primarily is the cause a person primarily concerned with survival is generally concerned with survival is generally concerned with survival is generally unempathetic because all their energy is unempathetic because all their energy is unempathetic because all their energy is focused on survival their world is focused on survival their world is focused on survival their world is limited to survival concerns and the limited to survival concerns and the limited to survival concerns and the preservation of fun and social capital preservation of fun and social capital preservation of fun and social capital that is inner circle relationships like that is inner circle relationships like that is inner circle relationships like family and a few friends who can help family and a few friends who can help family and a few friends who can help you get by this is the cost of the you get by this is the cost of the you get by this is the cost of t