thank you. >> thank you. >>> hi, my name is natalie lions. i'm a san francisco resident and attorney with equal rights advocates. we are a women's rights organization based here in san francisco and i'm here to speak especially for the women that we serve in san francisco. these women are blocked from employment solely based on their conviction on their application. and the great majority of these women are mothers. and often sole care givers for dependent children. so, this bill is really important to give them the opportunity to support their family and provide their children with an example of what it means to be a productive adult. so, we are in great support of this. we believe that this is a humane and common sense way of equalizing the playing field. and, of course, it doesn't diminish the opportunity for employers and housing providers to make ultimate decisions. so, i am in support of it [speaker not understood], and we are in support of it as a group. thank you. >> thank you, ms. lions. >>> good afternoon. my name is vivian imperial