hotch: how well did you know natalie ryan? we saw each other in public, but we were never friends. how about wally melman? what? wally melman. he's a producer who was killed a couple months ago. the paper said that was a robbery the paper was wrong. did you know him? we met a few times about a project, but... i didn't get the part. they went a different way. which way? he cast, um, another act. oh, my god. what is it? he cast natalie ryan. "you owe me." i guess that's one way to ice out the competition. don't look at me. i brought her to the police station. have you ever had a sense that someone is watching you, following you? from the moment i get to work, i have hair and make-up and wardrobe people, producers, writers, my agent, my manager, publicist. not to mention the photographers. i's part of the life. anything seem out of the ordinary? happens on a regular basis or semi-regular basis? what do you mean? repetitive phone calls with hang ups. gifts left anonymously. i receive flowers on the seventh of each month. they just