front street where there was a victorious uprising in one hundred forty one namely the queen natalie street station of change the name they should've left in its history the right have no business changing names history shouldn't be changed. quite a few streets of belgrade bearing two names it so happens that one of the streets is officially known as southern blue nevada but local people still call it red army street to avoid confusion the authorities decided to put up signs bearing both names. from what i hear a total of eight thousand russians died in serbia you could go all the. tell you was. true is where there is in a very large pit dug here between this monument and this place that was two days after the liberation of belgrade. a convoy of twenty four tanks went through the streets tank. with the body of a soviet saying from him. there was a band playing at the front of the convoy musical. form. was. told most. veterans say today's belgrade is very different from the city of nine hundred forty four. after the war the serbian capital was rebuilt like many other european cities but no other cit