in a conversation with our journalist natalka churikova, he told how the gas sector and the west bank of the jordan river stood, and also about the beginning of hamas activity. their interview follows. by a twist of fate, hamas owes its active popularization of its activities. exactly to the israeli then uh, controlling authorities, because they saw in this organization , which is called, the organization of islamic resistance, but it started with such a lie, that is, the coordination section of social programs, and how exactly ... the future leader of hawass, such such a charismatic character, sheikh yasin, he first created educational centers for training, for providing medical care, and thanks to this , gained popularity, because they really collected large sums for their activities, and they saw it in this - the israelis, the israeli authorities saw it as an alternative to organizing a recall. palestine and to a certain extent they contributed to the development of this organization, although later, when the so-called stone revolution, the intefada, began, then the policy of hawas