quarrels, but what should all these objects of memory look like in the future, tsn correspondent natalya nagorna collected our revival of traditions, our new rituals and newly created symbols, what was revived in our memory and what we would like to forget, see further, this is the state which every day they try to destroy at any stage , the country whose inhabitants the war forced to remember who were our heroes and who can be we forced us to understand why the colors on our flags are important, what symbols are imposed on us and which we have to get rid of, this is a new history that is being written hundreds of thousands of heroes, but it costs tens of thousands of lives, and when we pathetically say that blood is shed for this freedom, it is no longer just words, it is names that do not have time to write on the wall of memory and a new national memory that should help us hold on and don't forget, then for a very long time we didn't have these, you know, such lighthouses, anchors by which we hold on to ourselves, the historical path , we learn, that is, the right words for farewell , glory b