good afternoon we are almost done the w we have planned i'm natash at city performance director. we have key programs on going. somewhere mandated in the charter. we do performance reporting. there are links in the power point on line. so that is about our performance cards. in full swing in development of the performance measures for all diameters of in the charter what we are mandateed report on the standards for parks and streets and walks how sdot user experience with objectives. we this sprirng issued our first report on streets walks with new standards we developed this are this both easy to measure and give us better information. for public experience and public works operations. we run a program for 10 years. we help then diameters montort come mroins of nonprofits so this one nun profit w with multiple departments for fiscal and come mroins will be done once. we also neumanntate for us is managing the our city our home committee. in key projects this year i wanted go through the departments so for public health we are working on continuing phase one of a hiring process p