video was released. 20, now cnn political analyst as the cup, as well as cnn political analyst natasha alfordsha, i admit even as journalist who had to cover it innumerable times, i never made it through the nine minutes of the george floyd the video. i tried, but i couldn't physically make it through, i had to turn it turn away. you can watch this video when it's released tomorrow? >> i reached the point in my life right i want to see black people being murdered anymore. it is essentially a digital lynching. i say lynching, because there is a time in america when people would gather in groups and watched black people be killed for enjoyment. but the message to other black people's don't cross that line. don't do whatever falls thing this person was accused of, don't get outside of what you are supposed to do as a black person in this country. so it is a feeling of fear hanging over you. if you are a police officer with a body camera and you still do this, you know you are being reported. what does it mean for the rest of us? it's heartbreaking. >> or you can watch it, jesse s.e.? >> -- syria