second, i am concerned that up until very recently, one of the mayor's current senior advisors, nate ballard, was also a consultant to the boa, third, beyond this perceived conflict, this mayor's recent endor endorsement of the tazer ballot initiative made him quite frankly the only elected official to take such position. now this position not only undermined our own sitting police chief, the police commission, and many other elected officials, let alone concerned citizens and community members, including myself. we are all vehemently opposed to proposition h, as it is shown that the mayor is opposed to show that he is on once again the wrong side of the issue. so ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be a fiery conversation. i hope you're in for a good time, and going to be with us for the long haul because this is an important conversation that we need to have publicly to ensure that there is transparency and sunshine on an issue that has an impact on people's every day life's particularly people of color that are adversely affected by law enforcement. thank you. but i have to remind you