my name is nate lennox. i also work at edgewood. i've been there about 15 years. like kerrie, i work directly with youth and families in crisis before the c.s.u., and i worked with them during the c.s.u., and it would break my heart, not be too dramatic, to go back to how it used to be. i've sat with kids for days in the e.r., i've sat with them while they're strapped to a bed. then i see the c.s.u., and i see the amount of compatission and the amount of kindness and the amount of care they get, so the thought of losing that is a bummer. >> chair mar: thank you. next speaker? >> i'm lisa neves. i'm the current clinical manager of the c.s.u. and i've been with edgewood for about ten years. prior to edgewood, i worked in so many different facilities, agencies in the mental health field. as a manager, as you can imagine, we tend to get a ton of phone calls, and a lot of them not so happy from parents that are complaining about the services, not happy with the way things have gone with their children, whatever. and i can honestly say in my entire time being manager of