one of them, a boy by the name of nate muller says they had been friends with lane and went their ownate ways, but the table he was aiming at, one of the boys appears to have been dating the ex-girlfriend of this t.j. lane. that is something that police are investigating. the school was immediately put on lock down. the school having prepared for this kind of tragedy, they were immediately put on lock down, doors were shut, children cowering in areas where they thought it would be safe. some of them locked themselves into closets as they were texting their parents. nate mullor was able to place a phone call and call police. that's when they responded, but by that time, this hero teacher, coach frank hall, apparently was able to chase the alleged gunman out of the school, thereby saving numerous lives. the police responded, set up a perimeter, and that's by about 9:00 he was taken into custody. >> horrible tragedy, sounds as if not for the sequence of responses, could have been worse. >> absolutely, no question. >> deb, thank you so much. the alleged shooter, t.j. lane, wrote this, "fe