joe is joining us from manchester, new hampshire for nathan brown. good morning. >> hi. thank you very much. nathan, i appreciate your perspective. what i'm concerned about is that after 9/11 when bin laden bin laden gave his six reasons for the attacks, one of the key ones was the u.s. propping up in support of corrupt governments. and as i hear the response and the coverage on cnn, msnbc, certainly fox news, mike huck biin particular, that seems to be very, very true, that our interest is solely in finding a partner in supporting israel and the regime in israel. and that to me is absolutely frightening that we've held 80 million people hostage through the implementation of zionism and israel, and all they really want is democracy. and my question to you is, you have been to both countries. i've certainly been to egypt quite a few times on business. my question to you is, isn't it apparent that values of the people in egypt are far closer aligned to the values of americans in terms of the desire for a pluralistic, color blind, free and democratic society? aren't we more