nathan diament, your view. of the speech and the way it was put together and the issue of iran and the arms debate right now. >> right. well, look, the way the speech was put together is clearly regrettable. should have been done much more carefully and in consultation ideally with the white house. the sad thing is we have a serious issue on the table now which is iran's drive to become a nuclear weapons, and the political circus around the speech, how it was set up, debate about the speech, is it about the israeli elections, so on and so forth. what's happening, we're getting distracted from the negotiations going on and whether we're in fact going to stop iran from obtaining a nuclear weapons capacity. >> isn't that what the administration is trying to do? >> some think the administration is more than happy to have the distraction because if they had to answer questions -- >> isn't their ambition to stop iran from getting a nuclear weapon? >> yes, however, the administration has clearly shifted the goal posts