this friend, nathanial davis is a some sort of guru and he had something called power. >> joining me now. >> cori bush paid $120,000 to nathanial davis since 2020 and he claims to have a super natural ability that he brings to the table. he said he has the ability to summon tornados mythical beings, have the power to read minds and teach people how to leviate and among other videos. he said all these on the video. and the families that rule the world caused covid-19 with the intention of murdering 99% of the human population. it is no surprise that davis' ability would appeal to bush who spent years as working as a faith healer and resurrect the dead through prayers. she's associated with a number of antisemis and antiisrael activist who says she wants to burn jews alive. now, it is not clear exactly what sort of security threats bush faces from the spirit realm that would necessitate daily services for $5,000 a month. she did not return requests for comment. >> well, people can hire whomever they want, right? there is no real control unless it is self-dealings situation. it is your