nathaniel bacon felt ill in the fall of 1676 before the british were able to suppress the movement in 1677. bacon was a newcomer to virginia. he was wealthy but a newcomer. he was not considered part of the elite 200. there were also newcomers who had come this way and former indentured servants trying to establish their own way along the western front. bacon was able to gather a lot of support. in 1676, he is noted as having between 1200 and 2500 men in support of his cause. he led the largest uprising to date against the governor. moving forward, the landed gentry is concerned there would be similar uprisings. in a preventative measure, they start to separate servants quarters based on race. either identifying them as european or african. some historians have attributed bacon's rebellion as the cause for the encouragement of race-based slavery. the room we are in now has been based from the 1711 inventory from arthur allen ii after he passed. probate inventory notes all the pieces of furniture in the room of the house, all the household belongings after someone passes away. in many