i'm going to quote one of them to you, nathaniel comfort, who, i don't know if you engage with him veryt he's a professor of the history of medicine atjohn hopkins university in the us. he says that the message of your book, bluprint, is "vintage genetic determinism". now, why are you arguing with that notion that it is deterministic? because — i don't know if you have read the book — but he didn't review the book, he just reviewed. . . he didn't like the message of genetic influence and that was a review in nature, for example. it's easy to say, i can talk about genetic influences accounting for 50% of the differences between us, say, in schizophrenia, or personality or spatial ability. but i'm not saying it determines it. first of all because 50% is not genetic. but even the part that is genetic, it doesn't mean you can't do anything about your behaviour. it's just these are genetic nudges. you know, they push you. if you have met kids who are really good at maths, they make their world maths. theyjoke about maths, they talk maths, they think maths, so they create an environment that