you supervisors, when it comes to paying five other thousand dollars to someone like nathaniel ford, you do not say a word, but when it comes to helping our senior and youth linked to the transportation, everybody has to go through all of these hurdles. now, those who are poor, those who do not have the ability to represent in the courts, they come here and humbly request of you, but the poor have been trying to say something to you for over 10 years. i remember when you could ride you the 4 5 cents. then 25 cents. then 25 cents. then 75 cents. now whatever. it is very easy, with our $6.9 billion, to give our youth free transportation. not only poor youth, but all youth spirit if you cannot get that, you will not be able to get anything. supervisors, if you have the guts, do the right thing. whether it is harvey milk, cesar chavez, martin luther king, jesus christ, they all worked for the people. thank you very much. commissioner campos: thank you. is there any other member of the public that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues, i am not going to re