d how you mask your equipment at the right place at the right time never change lori: it is a natial treasurebut obviously with sequester cuts and so manyroader budget issues the country is facing, might be in a little bit of jeopardy. what do you want to see done and how necessary it is to preserve this landmark. >> that is a great question and i will telyou gettysburg is a terrific example of public, private partnerships that allows with tapping these three days july 1 through the third at gettburg without that partnership it would not have been. with other budget cuts it is difficult for the park services to do it itself. because it was gettysburg, in partnership with the foundation, they are allowed to e the private sector support morally and with the will of giving in order to imove upon the educational programs. i don't know how you can do it in the future. this is a great example of that. it is important to understand the outcome of the nation. lori: thank you so much. massive protest in egypt as demonstrators turn their frustration on the muslim brotherhood. is it headed for a violent