the impact oharvespollutio thatvery maj fishery in theounk and ms on wi fish, e answer was t nationa fishatchery stem. in 12, the recmatiry in theounk act s passedy congre,, to prote the settleme of the st through the velopmen of irration prects to suppo small fily farm this wl-intentned ssion whose shorsideprojectsegan a gacy of source ase. ansporting and ioundin absu amounts owater to support unsusinable dert agricture - ranklin]he might watersf the corado, re rning unud to theea. - ranklin]he might watersf the corado, toy we tralate the in a great nation posses. led by t legenda sierra club fn, flood aational rk. yomite's snning heh hehy vallewas mmed to prode watertorage f the ty of safrancisc by its engineer william mulholland, california's st. francis dam broke free from its foundation, sending a wall of l.a.'s water supply plowing downstream. mulholland was cleared of any wrongdoing, but felt personally responsible for dam's failure. "i envy the dead," said mulholland at a court hearing. "don't blame anyone else. if there was an error in human judgment, i was the human." during the great