the traditionally extensive exposition at the national academy of sciences is here no developments from new varieties of seeds to original sloths, packaging of vegetables the academy of sciences is the largest participant in this exhibition and, probably, without science about what is here it was said that it is probably impossible to imagine this exhibition, because here it is a scientific achievement in general and innovations. these are the things that our country should be proud of, that for the last period, this is a completely small country. thus , the business program for our manufacturers stepped forward as a professional support of the exhibition. this platform is a good opportunity to promote your products to new markets, find new partners and replenish the portfolio with profitable contracts and participants. there is still time. the exhibition will run until june 11 the forum type continues on the minsk line, and today is the third day, but as the participants themselves say, the time flies imperceptibly. how could it be otherwise, when every hour is full of presentations ,