tom miller is a former member of the national advisory council. good to see you. anyone who has a question, if you enrolled on, you better have a question because you don't know who the 1 out of 4 are who think they have insurance but don't. >> that's absolutely right. it's almost the motto should be don't trust, do verify. you can't be sure of just about anything under this law. we know that the administration will eventually admit to some of its errors at the last possible moment when it has no other alternative, which is what it did this afternoon. >> they did not want to release the numbers, and the press, most of the press, was really pressing them. saying let us know, how many are we talking about? finally, they came out and said 1 in 4 for october and november, and 1 in 10 for december, since the relaunch of the website, but this is all they're willing to admit to at this point, in terms of whatever forms have gone wrong, whatever submissions have gone wrong, and now, tom, you hear hubris in the response, saying, you know, the only way we're