continued to collide and run parallel, eight years ago as was mentioned i joined the board of the national association of workforce boards. and went in as the chair almost a year ago. i am a firm believer that not just at the local level but at the national level, we have to have more employers engagement in the public worse system. i believe that employers have the loudest and the strongest and the best voice in helping to shape the policy and to advocate for the work that every one of us in this room is doing on a day in and day out basis. i will have to also share some tremendous thank yous to people sitting in this room. time flies when you're having fun. a few months ago, we'll put it that way, a few months ago we had an opportunity and my chamber partnered with the l.a. chamber of commerce, which is a little bit of an interesting -- a twist a tale of two cities, the danville chamber, the l.a. chamber but we partnered to cowrite and put out a letter for chambers of commerce to support the bipartisan legislation that was introduced in the senate for the w.i. reauthorization. and because of the support and help