the national audubon society has taken a the national audubon society has ta ken a stance the nationale promoting best practices in terms of how to take a great photo, and the basic ms there is, a picture is never worth harassing the bird. police in the us are used to stopping motorists — but they got the shock of their lives when they saw a plane racing down the road. when the light aircraft finally came to a halt, the officers had to knock on the window and have a word with the pilot. richard lister reports. is it isita is it a bird? is ita bird? no, it is a plane, caught in the police — can buzzing low over the morning commute. caught in the police — can buzzing low over the morning commutelj low over the morning commute.” thought from a far distant it was a remote control plane, as it continued going north got bigger and bigger and bigger, to the point of, 0k, bigger and bigger, to the point of, ok, that is really close to the ground. ithink ok, that is really close to the ground. i think he is trying to land on state route seven. trooper thompson immediately turned around, braced