and now, on the basis of this collection, the national bank of plant genetic resources is being created, it will unite and other collections. the 20 scientific institutions that exist in the country not legally, but organizationally, engaged in crop production will not duplicate each other's work, but will complement the main idea - to integrate for each direction of the collection to collect what is in the country and on a single methodological basis on common standards, access rules to be able both, to save what is in the most reliable state of the art, and also, to increase the efficiency of use for solving applied problems, such an inventory is obtained. need to to understand what is in the russian genetic bank of plant resources. after all, a lot of foreign crops are planted on russian fields, but you need to maintain your own here, not only preserve a unique collection of seeds, but also constantly research it , work with it in order to obtain new source material for varieties that are more resistant to various climatic conditions. conditions or diseases, for example , a new virus