prescription-drug abuse -- and as i looked around, nobody else was talking about it, it felt like, and certainly nobody was really educating community members. so, we formed the national coalition against prescription-drug abuse, and it's been operating ever since. we are a national organization with a heavy focus on the bay area, because this is where we live, and our biggest challenge is really educating our community members about how dangerous the medications can be and to keep their families safe. >> you have events all year-round. >> oh, yes. all year-round. our website is a great place to go to see what we're doing each month, but we do plan things all year-round. >> okay, i've been with you on some of the walks, which is very, very empowering. now, you've started a grassroots organization in marin. people don't think marin has this kind of problem. >> statistically, more affluent areas tend to have higher levels of addiction. and when i first started with this group called rxsafe marin, which has brought together a lot of different community members -- educators and law enforcement, the court system, mental-health education -- and so, we're working towards reducing all types of