e martinez, president of the national committee against tobacco addiction needs no further convincing objectives than i just said to fail. soft cuddly, z addict, and any good team in opa can soft the logic. so any good in and all love love the whole sky d c. she lives in the of the soft yield, the lead example. any good teen biskin bars? say misery video, ma'am. yolanda dixon, any good team ought to fizzle choir could do that. had really focus on all ready in the 1900 sixty's. the tobacco industry was working on an alternative to the tobacco arrest. hope was to prevent smokers from quitting, despite growing awareness of the risk to health. even then the industry envisaged a vapor based cigarette as a country to expectations, the filter cigarette continue to sell. the marketing strategies took effect and the project was discontinued. it's clear today the vapor cigarettes was simply ahead of its time. 2 just like you have a jim saw puzzle where you don't quite have all the pieces in some of the pieces you have are distorted. when can you put it together enough to see what the picture is