[music] the mission of the national council for community behavioral healthcare is to, through our membership, to reach out to individuals who may not have access to behavioral health services or may not know that those services are available to them. and mental health first aid is a way that we can teach the generaral public about menl illness and how they can help. well, what's the difference between say, just nervousness or normal anxiety and something that might rise to the level of disorder? mental health first aid is a program for the general public, for people who maybe don't know, could know nothing about mental illness. we have signs everywhere about how to recognize if someone is having a stroke. any questions about nonsuicidal self-injury, this behavior, before we move on to talk about anxiety disorders? but i have never heard anyone come out and say these are things to recognize that someone in your family might be mentally ill and, even further, what to do about it. much like regular first aid, it teaches people to recognize signs and symptoms, de-escalate crisis and, if appropri