seen online people signing petitions asking that this current i neg, the independent, national, electro, are commission be dissolved because it is not credible. when can we expect to know who's going to be nigeria is next. president is very difficult to see at this point when we would have that information because like i said, the results are coming in very slowly. or we are hoping, or we've been told by i neg, that's the results would be in record time. but then again, there's so many other things that i next that they were not able to keep up to. so it's difficult to hold the word of i, nick. however i'm, we're all way seen there. is it up of anxiousness awnings? i on expectation in the end, that is what? obviously everybody's talking about the presidential election. i was waiting to hear when the results of ruby, the final results will be announced. flores to cora in nigeria as our number ca. thank you so much. let's take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. remote or environmental activists granted tune berg has joined demonstrators blocking access to norway's energy mini